Aşakdaky islendik düwmäni ýa-da aşakdaky düwmäni basyň

Aýdym-sazyňyzyň tempini el bilen hasaplamak süýräpdir. Bu BPM degmek hasaplaýjy gural, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora we ş.m. ýaly programmalarda mp3 faýl id3 bellikleri üçin temp ölçemek isleýän ** sazandalar we tansçylar üçin has peýdalydyr.

BPM tapper lukmançylyk ýagdaýlarynda ** minutda ýürek urgularyny **, ** ýürek urmasyny ** ýa-da ** dynç alyş impulsyny ** çalt hasaplamak üçin täsirli. Bu programmada diňe ýürek urmasyny ölçemek üçin dogan sahypasy bar.

BPM aýdym-saz BPM-ni tanamak we bu ajaýyp aýdymlar bilen tanamak ukybyňyzy ýokarlandyrmak üçin BPM çaklama oýnuny oýnaň!

Mugt onlaýn ** BPM ** guralyny tapmaga we ritmiň ýa-da urmagyň islendik düwmesine basyp, temp hasaplamaga we ** Minute Per Beats ** (BPM) sanamaga mümkinçilik berýär. BPM-ni tutuş bir minut garaşman çalt hasaplamak üçin birnäçe sekunt basyň. Islege görä ** Sekuntda Beats (BPS) ** ýa-da ** Sagatda Beats (BPH) ** üçin sazlap bilersiňiz. ** Minute Revolutions (RPM) *, we * RPS ** üçin deň derejede işleýär.

Hasaplaýan zadyňyzy paýlaşyň!

Näme üçin adamlar minutda urgy hasaplaýarlar

To find out the tempo of eos by ginkiha To find out the tempo of eos by ginkiha
Tempe, United States
about 23 hours ago
My resting heart rate suddnly droped to 59 bpm. it wasn't that before, should i be scared? My resting heart rate suddnly droped to 59 bpm. it wasn't that before, should i be scared?
Overland Park, United States
1 day ago
Music for playing live Music for playing live
Ottawa, Canada
1 day ago
Je l'utilise pour mon rythme cardiaque, 62 au repos Je l'utilise pour mon rythme cardiaque, 62 au repos
1 day ago
"beats are the rhythm of life" applies very well lol. i use it to count heart rates. "beats are the rhythm of life" applies very well lol. i use it to count heart rates.
Vienna, Austria
1 day ago
Batuku de cabo verde Batuku de cabo verde
Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, France
2 days ago
Creating click tracks for worship band Creating click tracks for worship band
Rossville, United States
2 days ago
I'm a dj and sometimes my songs are analyzed incorrectly so it lists the wrong bpm. this site allows me to manually find the accurate bpm count! thanks for a great site I'm a dj and sometimes my songs are analyzed incorrectly so it lists the wrong bpm. this site allows me to manually find the accurate bpm count! thanks for a great site
Wilmington, United States
2 days ago
Go for excellence Go for excellence
Pompton Lakes, United States
3 days ago
It's good to see somehow bpm also matter It's good to see somehow bpm also matter
Pune, India
3 days ago
Heart rate to see what these stimulants are doing to me. woo! Heart rate to see what these stimulants are doing to me. woo!
Ashburn, United States
3 days ago
Heartbeat to check i'm not dying Heartbeat to check i'm not dying
Perth, Australia
4 days ago
I wrote a song about a year or two ago, and i'm finally able to record it for my band. i'm really excited, and even got the bpm for both main, and the arpeggio and solo parts I wrote a song about a year or two ago, and i'm finally able to record it for my band. i'm really excited, and even got the bpm for both main, and the arpeggio and solo parts
Anderson, United States
4 days ago
I'm a dj and heard a new song i would probaly buy. but i was unsure because of the tempo. I'm a dj and heard a new song i would probaly buy. but i was unsure because of the tempo.
Schwerin, Germany
4 days ago
There's a noisy mole cricket outside, trying to find some accompanying tunes... at 287 bpm apparently There's a noisy mole cricket outside, trying to find some accompanying tunes... at 287 bpm apparently
Sydney, Australia
5 days ago
Hasaplaýan zadyňyzy paýlaşyň!

Näme üçin adamlar minutda urgy hasaplaýarlar

Phone is dead Phone is dead
Visakhapatnam, India
5 days ago
My heart rate because im in septic shock My heart rate because im in septic shock
Oulu, Finland
5 days ago
Artist and producer figuring out bpm of my new creation to produce a beat to it Artist and producer figuring out bpm of my new creation to produce a beat to it
Santo André, Brazil
5 days ago
Counting bpm because im stressed Counting bpm because im stressed
Athens, Greece
5 days ago
I make hardtekk on the korg electribe I make hardtekk on the korg electribe
Kassel, Germany
6 days ago
Для анализа исполнительских интерпретаций классики Для анализа исполнительских интерпретаций классики
Moscow, Russia
6 days ago
Found the bpm for one of my friends samples. his name is super evan cap Found the bpm for one of my friends samples. his name is super evan cap
Minneapolis, United States
7 days ago
Heart rate. lame fitness watch is inaccurate Heart rate. lame fitness watch is inaccurate
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
7 days ago
Measuring heart rate and geometry dash song bpm Measuring heart rate and geometry dash song bpm
Niles, United States
7 days ago
This website is censoring me i called out this guy from italy because he said he got like 3k no you didnt bro i havent forgotten about you. youre walking on thin ice buddy This website is censoring me i called out this guy from italy because he said he got like 3k no you didnt bro i havent forgotten about you. youre walking on thin ice buddy
Galway, Ireland
7 days ago
I need bpms for mixing tracks I need bpms for mixing tracks
Buchholz in der Nordheide, Germany
7 days ago
Learning the song "in my head" (by bedroom) on guitar. the notes are really easy but it's so fasttttttt aaaaaaa Learning the song "in my head" (by bedroom) on guitar. the notes are really easy but it's so fasttttttt aaaaaaa
Ashburn, United States
8 days ago
I'm a girl, student of the conservatori de lleida and i use this to count the tempo of my pices of music. I'm a girl, student of the conservatori de lleida and i use this to count the tempo of my pices of music.
Madrid, Spain
8 days ago
Im a composer, really, and when i brainstorm ideas i need to know whats the bpm of the song inside my head lol. Im a composer, really, and when i brainstorm ideas i need to know whats the bpm of the song inside my head lol.
Astana, Kazakhstan
8 days ago
I saw the old clock in my living room and decided to count how many beats per minute the decorative pendulum had. to my surprise, it wasn't 120, but 122. I saw the old clock in my living room and decided to count how many beats per minute the decorative pendulum had. to my surprise, it wasn't 120, but 122.
Jundiaí, Brazil
9 days ago
Hasaplaýan zadyňyzy paýlaşyň!

Näme üçin adamlar minutda urgy hasaplaýarlar

I use this to make playlists for my running. bpm = steps per minute! I use this to make playlists for my running. bpm = steps per minute!
New York, United States
9 days ago
Figuring out the bpm of a song in order to practice with a metronome Figuring out the bpm of a song in order to practice with a metronome
IJsselstein, The Netherlands
9 days ago
I commonly want to know bpm for rythm game maps, as most of those require "tempomapping". it is also useful for finding songs with similar/identical bpm. I commonly want to know bpm for rythm game maps, as most of those require "tempomapping". it is also useful for finding songs with similar/identical bpm.
Cologne, Germany
10 days ago
Checking heartbeat after drinking way too much caffeine Checking heartbeat after drinking way too much caffeine
Chicago, United States
11 days ago
I am a runner, i count bpm to collect musics that will be suitable for my cadense. I am a runner, i count bpm to collect musics that will be suitable for my cadense.
Suwon, South Korea
11 days ago
I think i have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, heart rate goes to 120-130 whenever i stand....... I think i have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, heart rate goes to 120-130 whenever i stand.......
Toronto, Canada
11 days ago
I'm a dj and checking some songs bpm's I'm a dj and checking some songs bpm's
Muğla, Türkiye
11 days ago
Music production! have to figure out what tempo the beat in my head's at so i can plug it into ableton and start recording faster. Music production! have to figure out what tempo the beat in my head's at so i can plug it into ableton and start recording faster.
Milwaukee, United States
12 days ago
발로란트(게임) 가디언(총) 탄 안튀는 적당한 bpm 속도 204쯤 발로란트(게임) 가디언(총) 탄 안튀는 적당한 bpm 속도 204쯤
Chungju, South Korea
13 days ago
Better than using my daw's built-in tap bpm function Better than using my daw's built-in tap bpm function
Barbacena, Brazil
13 days ago
phone construction for geometry dash map juls challenge, needed to count bpm for equilibrium's "blut im auge" song not available on newgrounds. phone construction for geometry dash map juls challenge, needed to count bpm for equilibrium's "blut im auge" song not available on newgrounds.
Leicester, United Kingdom
13 days ago
Osu mapping :) Osu mapping :)
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
14 days ago
Measuring my heartbeat ;) Measuring my heartbeat ;)
Warsaw, Poland
14 days ago
Counting bennet's bpm Counting bennet's bpm
Stuttgart, Germany
14 days ago
Now a few days i worked in pvt ltd company so my bmp is high Now a few days i worked in pvt ltd company so my bmp is high
Pune, India
15 days ago
Hasaplaýan zadyňyzy paýlaşyň!

Näme üçin adamlar minutda urgy hasaplaýarlar

Testing how different are my hands when i type Testing how different are my hands when i type
Rabat, Morocco
15 days ago
My heart rate My heart rate
Cairo, Egypt
15 days ago
Nabzıma baktım sadece kanks Nabzıma baktım sadece kanks
Izmir, Türkiye
15 days ago
Soy dj 128 bpm Soy dj 128 bpm
San Bernardo, Chile
15 days ago
Using this to perfect my cpr timings (you never know) tip : follow beat of not like us by kendrick Using this to perfect my cpr timings (you never know) tip : follow beat of not like us by kendrick
Dhaka, Bangladesh
15 days ago
What on this cursed earth are you people doing tapping bpm goodness What on this cursed earth are you people doing tapping bpm goodness
Evansville, United States
16 days ago
Troy stetina "rhythm guitar" example №15 = 90 bpm Troy stetina "rhythm guitar" example №15 = 90 bpm
Khabarovsk, Russia
16 days ago
Phasmophibia ghost speed Phasmophibia ghost speed
Carei, Romania
16 days ago
Finding out the best bpm to have sex to Finding out the best bpm to have sex to
Cáceres, Brazil
17 days ago
Resting heart rate. 40 bpm. not a long distance runner... probably time to see a doctor... Resting heart rate. 40 bpm. not a long distance runner... probably time to see a doctor...
Edmonton, Canada
18 days ago
To count my click speed To count my click speed
Erith, United Kingdom
18 days ago
For hip-hop creation For hip-hop creation
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, France
19 days ago
Heart rate to see if my watch is correct? Heart rate to see if my watch is correct?
Pattaya, Thailand
19 days ago
I like to use this to count the tempo of samples that i use for my songs. I like to use this to count the tempo of samples that i use for my songs.
Helsinki, Finland
20 days ago
I’m a dj, and sometimes i’m curious about bpm’s i hear “in the wild” I’m a dj, and sometimes i’m curious about bpm’s i hear “in the wild”
Oslo, Norway
21 days ago
Hasaplaýan zadyňyzy paýlaşyň!

Näme üçin adamlar minutda urgy hasaplaýarlar

My neighbours banging My neighbours banging
Marseille, France
21 days ago
I use this to find music that matches my indoor cycling tempo I use this to find music that matches my indoor cycling tempo
Chiswick, United Kingdom
21 days ago
Working out my heartrate:) Working out my heartrate:)
Liverpool, United Kingdom
21 days ago
I am an animator and i make animated gifs designed to work with certain beats per minute! I am an animator and i make animated gifs designed to work with certain beats per minute!
Auckland, New Zealand
22 days ago
I'm programming drums and need the same tempo as my guitar tracks I'm programming drums and need the same tempo as my guitar tracks
Leeds, United Kingdom
22 days ago
I'm dj and i make beat of a accabella song so want to know the tempo I'm dj and i make beat of a accabella song so want to know the tempo
Honiara, Solomon Islands
23 days ago
I got 7.5k for no reason I got 7.5k for no reason
United Kingdom
24 days ago
Donk-donk is the worst Donk-donk is the worst
Canberra, Australia
24 days ago
I'm an ai output evaluator and i check whether musical output generated by ai are at par with prompt specifications including tempo. I'm an ai output evaluator and i check whether musical output generated by ai are at par with prompt specifications including tempo.
Mandaluyong, Philippines
24 days ago
I wanted to see if a song had a good bpm to make an osu beatmap I wanted to see if a song had a good bpm to make an osu beatmap
25 days ago
My schools chior song My schools chior song
Cincinnati, United States
25 days ago
I am a sound operator I am a sound operator
26 days ago
I'm a pianist-composer, just making sure i'm playing at the tempo i put in my own score :d I'm a pianist-composer, just making sure i'm playing at the tempo i put in my own score :d
Philadelphia, United States
26 days ago
I want beats I want beats
Harar, Ethiopia
27 days ago
To the one from istanbul - i am so sorry for your loss. To the one from istanbul - i am so sorry for your loss.
Milwaukee, United States
27 days ago