Pencet sembarang tombol utawa tunyuk kothak ing ngisor iki kanggo ngalahake

Ngitung tempo musik kanthi manual yaiku seret. Alat counter tapping BPM iki utamané migunani kanggo musisi lan penari sing pengin ngukur tempo kanggo tag id3 file mp3 ing program kayata iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, lsp.

Tapper BPM uga efektif ing kahanan medis kanggo ngetung kanthi cepet **Detak Jantung Per Menit**, **Detak Jantung**, utawa **Denyut Ngaso**. Aplikasi iki duwe situs adhine mung kanggo pangukuran detak jantung ing Tutul Denyut Jantung .

Muter BPM Guessing Game kanggo nyoba lan nambah kemampuan kanggo ngenali BPM musik nganggo lagu-lagu apik iki!

Alat Tap BPM online gratis ngidini sampeyan ngetung tempo lan ngetung Beats Per Minute (BPM) kanthi nutul sembarang tombol kanggo irama utawa beat. Tutul sawetara detik kanggo ngitung BPM kanthi cepet tanpa ngenteni kabeh menit. Sampeyan bisa opsional ngatur kanggo Beats Per Detik (BPS) utawa Beats Per Jam (BPH). Kerjane kanthi apik kanggo Revolutions Per Minute (RPM), lan RPS

Nuduhake apa sing lagi diitung!

Napa wong ngetung denyut saben menit

For hip-hop creation For hip-hop creation
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, France
2 days ago
Heart rate to see if my watch is correct? Heart rate to see if my watch is correct?
Pattaya, Thailand
2 days ago
I like to use this to count the tempo of samples that i use for my songs. I like to use this to count the tempo of samples that i use for my songs.
Helsinki, Finland
3 days ago
I’m a dj, and sometimes i’m curious about bpm’s i hear “in the wild” I’m a dj, and sometimes i’m curious about bpm’s i hear “in the wild”
Oslo, Norway
4 days ago
My neighbours banging My neighbours banging
Marseille, France
4 days ago
I use this to find music that matches my indoor cycling tempo I use this to find music that matches my indoor cycling tempo
Chiswick, United Kingdom
4 days ago
Working out my heartrate:) Working out my heartrate:)
Liverpool, United Kingdom
4 days ago
I am an animator and i make animated gifs designed to work with certain beats per minute! I am an animator and i make animated gifs designed to work with certain beats per minute!
Auckland, New Zealand
5 days ago
I'm programming drums and need the same tempo as my guitar tracks I'm programming drums and need the same tempo as my guitar tracks
Leeds, United Kingdom
5 days ago
I'm dj and i make beat of a accabella song so want to know the tempo I'm dj and i make beat of a accabella song so want to know the tempo
Honiara, Solomon Islands
6 days ago
I got 7.5k for no reason I got 7.5k for no reason
United Kingdom
7 days ago
Donk-donk is the worst Donk-donk is the worst
Canberra, Australia
7 days ago
I'm an ai output evaluator and i check whether musical output generated by ai are at par with prompt specifications including tempo. I'm an ai output evaluator and i check whether musical output generated by ai are at par with prompt specifications including tempo.
Mandaluyong, Philippines
7 days ago
I wanted to see if a song had a good bpm to make an osu beatmap I wanted to see if a song had a good bpm to make an osu beatmap
8 days ago
My schools chior song My schools chior song
Cincinnati, United States
8 days ago
Nuduhake apa sing lagi diitung!

Napa wong ngetung denyut saben menit

I am a sound operator I am a sound operator
9 days ago
I'm a pianist-composer, just making sure i'm playing at the tempo i put in my own score :d I'm a pianist-composer, just making sure i'm playing at the tempo i put in my own score :d
Philadelphia, United States
9 days ago
I want beats I want beats
Harar, Ethiopia
10 days ago
To the one from istanbul - i am so sorry for your loss. To the one from istanbul - i am so sorry for your loss.
Milwaukee, United States
10 days ago
I was measuring my friends heart rate, it was showing me 30-40. next minutes, it has dropped to 20. then he's dead. I was measuring my friends heart rate, it was showing me 30-40. next minutes, it has dropped to 20. then he's dead.
Istanbul, Türkiye
10 days ago
Я тенісистка Я тенісистка
Cherkasy, Ukraine
10 days ago
Counting the beats in a song! Counting the beats in a song!
Freehold, United States
10 days ago
Im trying to match a beat from songs i'm listening to Im trying to match a beat from songs i'm listening to
Maghār, Israel
10 days ago
Finding out the tempo of samples Finding out the tempo of samples
Gresham, United States
11 days ago
Trance techno house deejaj Trance techno house deejaj
Gothenburg, Sweden
11 days ago
Mad issues - angie stone - 'cos it's got a great groove Mad issues - angie stone - 'cos it's got a great groove
Olula del Río, Spain
12 days ago
To the dude in ireland i got 2k bpm. To the dude in ireland i got 2k bpm.
Canberra, Australia
12 days ago
Because i'm a dj Because i'm a dj
Chachapoyas, Peru
12 days ago
Making music and trying to tell what tempo i have in my head Making music and trying to tell what tempo i have in my head
Hamburg, Germany
13 days ago
Using this to create music in minecraft Using this to create music in minecraft
West Kelowna, Canada
13 days ago
Nuduhake apa sing lagi diitung!

Napa wong ngetung denyut saben menit

Heart rhythm Heart rhythm
Garching, Germany
14 days ago
Footsteps in phasmo Footsteps in phasmo
Karlstad, Sweden
14 days ago
Is there a metronome on this site? would be useful for me Is there a metronome on this site? would be useful for me
Portland, United States
15 days ago
At carnival opening in recife, brazil, 73 year old legendary singer elba ramalho is performing traditional frevo music - 170 bpm. At carnival opening in recife, brazil, 73 year old legendary singer elba ramalho is performing traditional frevo music - 170 bpm.
São Paulo, Brazil
15 days ago
I got over 1k bpm you chickens try fucking beat me chickens. no fucking cheating with the mouse scroll. just sheer muscle power chickens! (youre a f*@king chicken chickens) I got over 1k bpm you chickens try fucking beat me chickens. no fucking cheating with the mouse scroll. just sheer muscle power chickens! (youre a f*@king chicken chickens)
Galway, Ireland
15 days ago
I make music in my head before writing it, so i need to measure the bpm so that it sounds like it does in my head I make music in my head before writing it, so i need to measure the bpm so that it sounds like it does in my head
Queens, United States
15 days ago
Want to calculate the beats of songs Want to calculate the beats of songs
Paris, France
15 days ago
Cpr certifier! ❤️🙏 Cpr certifier! ❤️🙏
Henderson, United States
16 days ago
We are playing bpm guessing game and checking the actual bpm with this tool. We are playing bpm guessing game and checking the actual bpm with this tool.
Ostrava, Czechia
16 days ago
Lerarning how to make music with 0 knowledge Lerarning how to make music with 0 knowledge
Puertollano, Spain
16 days ago
Finding songs >140 bpm for my running playlist Finding songs >140 bpm for my running playlist
Berlin, Germany
16 days ago
Checking bpm on discogs, so it matches my other records in a set. awesome app!! Checking bpm on discogs, so it matches my other records in a set. awesome app!!
The Netherlands
17 days ago
Im pregnant and needed to know if i need to call 911 Im pregnant and needed to know if i need to call 911
Hartford, United States
18 days ago
Ukulele player Ukulele player
Adelaide, Australia
18 days ago
Watching a dj set and counting at what bpm he playing at Watching a dj set and counting at what bpm he playing at
Helsinki, Finland
18 days ago
Nuduhake apa sing lagi diitung!

Napa wong ngetung denyut saben menit

I'm just a normal dude and trying to get the best bpm for dynajump I'm just a normal dude and trying to get the best bpm for dynajump
18 days ago
Listening to music on bandcamp for djing and checking bpm with this. sehr helpful Listening to music on bandcamp for djing and checking bpm with this. sehr helpful
Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
19 days ago
It is the easiest way to get bpm of a song and estimate if i can do a dub|stepper cover/remix It is the easiest way to get bpm of a song and estimate if i can do a dub|stepper cover/remix
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
20 days ago
I am a cyclist, i construct playlists with specific bpm's to match my preferred cadence. I am a cyclist, i construct playlists with specific bpm's to match my preferred cadence.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
20 days ago
Learning shuffle dance and searching for good beginner tempo songs (70-90bpm) Learning shuffle dance and searching for good beginner tempo songs (70-90bpm)
Helsinki, Finland
21 days ago
Labal-s r.i.p Labal-s r.i.p
Berlin, Germany
21 days ago
Debating if la macarena and stayin alive are actually fine to do cpr to Debating if la macarena and stayin alive are actually fine to do cpr to
Pontevedra, Spain
21 days ago
I'm a ballroom dancer and i'm testing music for dancing I'm a ballroom dancer and i'm testing music for dancing
Melbourne, Australia
22 days ago
Trying to animate a music video for youtube Trying to animate a music video for youtube
Road Town, British Virgin Islands
22 days ago
102 beats per min for physical therapy 102 beats per min for physical therapy
Trumbull, United States
23 days ago
Удары сердца Удары сердца
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
24 days ago
I just did 3869 bpm I just did 3869 bpm
Rome, Italy
26 days ago
Flight of the bumblebee bpm Flight of the bumblebee bpm
Davao City, Philippines
27 days ago
Rhythm game, hardcore edm Rhythm game, hardcore edm
Yongin-si, South Korea
27 days ago
I am dj and music composer: use tap bpm to create playlists and create mashup tracks I am dj and music composer: use tap bpm to create playlists and create mashup tracks
Krasnodar, Russia
27 days ago
Nuduhake apa sing lagi diitung!

Napa wong ngetung denyut saben menit

Making a song rn Making a song rn
Turku, Finland
27 days ago
My heartbeat after a stressful situation in a game My heartbeat after a stressful situation in a game
Ostrava, Czechia
28 days ago
Restless leg bouncing constant @284 Restless leg bouncing constant @284
Spruce Grove, Canada
29 days ago
I almost 1000 bpm this so best my high score is (998) I almost 1000 bpm this so best my high score is (998)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
29 days ago
Worship songs Worship songs
Iloilo City, Philippines
30 days ago
Mixing my friends track.. he don't know the bpm smh Mixing my friends track.. he don't know the bpm smh
Portland, United States
30 days ago
I'm a dj and im counting my heart rate. I'm a dj and im counting my heart rate.
Jena, Germany
about 1 month ago
55 bpm hearbeat in an executive meeting : xanax works !!!! 55 bpm hearbeat in an executive meeting : xanax works !!!!
Paris, France
about 1 month ago
I am a student and doing this for a project I am a student and doing this for a project
Surrey, Canada
about 1 month ago
для фитнес для фитнес
Krasnodar, Russia
about 1 month ago
Making a hopecore music lol Making a hopecore music lol
Quezon City, Philippines
about 1 month ago
I'm trying to find mixes that will work well for my running pace I'm trying to find mixes that will work well for my running pace
United Kingdom
about 1 month ago
我是一名 swing dance dj 我是一名 swing dance dj
Qingdao, China
about 1 month ago
I had a riff, but no idea what the bpm was to make the rest of the song with. thanks! I had a riff, but no idea what the bpm was to make the rest of the song with. thanks!
Miamisburg, United States
about 1 month ago
I'm a songwriter and am finding a good tempo for my music I'm a songwriter and am finding a good tempo for my music
Georgetown, United States
about 1 month ago